Boston American Team Represented Glove Cities
Boston American Team Represented the Glove Cities

The article dated 7/6/1907 shows the box score from the exhibition game against the Boston (Red Sox) Americans, where the home team lost 8-3.
Scranton Champions Trim Aspiring Senators, While Bingo Bunch Belabor the Utica Leaders in a Swatfest – Trojans Trim the Light of Barons – Giants take Another from Dodgers.
Boston American’s opening day starter that season was 40-year-old Cy Young. He must have been with the team, as he started the season as player/manager and they were travelling to Detroit, then Cleveland, St. Louis and Chicago on a 15-game road trip!
Scranton Champions Trim Aspiring Senators, While Bingo Bunch Belabor the Utica Leaders in a Swatfest – Trojans Trim the Light of Barons – Giants take Another from Dodgers.
Purcell’s erro and slow fielding in the second Inning of yesterday’s game at Gloversville between the Boston Americans and the A. J. & G. gave the visitors three runs and the lead. Otherwise, this contest would have been close and interesting.
Boston American’s opening day starter that season was 40-year-old Cy Young. He must have been with the team, as he started the season as player/manager and they were travelling to Detroit, then Cleveland, St. Louis and Chicago on a 15-game road trip!
Boston was en-route to Detroit, for a game the next day, after playing a double header on 7/4 in Boston against the Washington Senators.
Fulton County Fans had an opportunity of witnessing one of the big-league teams yesterday at A. J. & G. park when the Boston American team met the New York state league team representing the cities of Johnstown, Amsterdam and Gloversville. The visitors easily captured the contest by a score of 8 to 3. “Obe” Oberlin and Armbruster were in the points for the Bostonians and Pucell and Cooney for the locals.
The result was not unexpected and in face of the comparative strength of the teams it was an interesting contest as it gave many persons an opportunity of watching some of the big-league stars perform without going away from home. The management of the A. J. & G. team is entitled to considerable praise for bringing the Boston team here, as the big leaguers, Boston Americans, were en-route to Detroit yesterday, where they play today, and took their own chances on arriving late at their destination by stopping over here. There was a fair-sized crowd present and from the interest manifested in the game it is certain that the big leaguers will draw a still larger crowd on the next visit to this city.
The difference between the work of the teams was noticeably contrasted, and the distinction between ball in the state and the big league was plainly discernible. It was but an exhibition game yesterday, but nevertheless the visitors went into the game with determination to win and played with a vim and dash seldom seen among the state leaguers. The hitting is cleaner, freer and the fielding of a snappier order and keeps up expectations. While the visitors played the game to win they did not extend themselves after five innings. Oberlin being master of the situation, mixed up his variety of curves, shoots and slants on the local batters. One thing noticeable was the familiarity with which the old leaguer “Pete” Childs, went after Oberlin’s offerings. It was just like returning home for the Christmas dinner for Pete to again face the big leaguer and just to show them that he had not forgotten how, he drove out a three-bagger on which he scored the first run for the Jags. The batting of Reardon and Cooney for the locals was a feature, while in fielding Grinshaw at short for the visitors was worth the price of admission alone. Sullivan, Unglaub and Flasze were the star batters for the visitors. The tabulated score of the game follows: